Violetta Jack

 Ch/jCh Dollar Dingo
Dream Violetta Jack 

Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Junior Champion of Croatia

PLL clear from parents
both parents with patella free
(24 champions in pedigree)

 multi Ch/jCh Dream
La Violetta Via Heraltisz 

 multi Ch/jCh Happy Honey
La Violetta Magor 

 multi Ch Bumsingens

 Ch Apple
Od Bobri Reky

 multi Ch Bjorsatters
Peer Gynt 

 multi Ch Rafineria

 multi Ch Saltisgardens Oliver Twist

 Bumsingens L'Shanna Tovah

 Ch Dynamic Dylan Jacks Paradise

 Astyra Eldorado Lipi' 

 multi Ch Kanix Speed Wagon

 Saltisgardens Jazz For Joy 

 multi Ch Lantaka Poleposition

 multi Ch Leonhard's Chocolate Cindy

 multi Ch Mywin Little Huck

 Ch Inverbrae Sofia

 Little Bloopers Red Butler

 Ch Bumsingens Caradhras

 Ch Sprankle Shota Jacks Paradise

 Blue Bayou Jacks Paradise

 multi Ch Lantaka Poleposition

 Alfalfa Bohemia Platina

 multi Ch Beaconway Scotch N'Coke 

 Ch Future of Noescha s Inspiration

 multi Ch Inverbrae John of Gaunt 

 Ch Macbraedly Dark Victory 

 multi Ch Myrmidon Jack Pete

 Ch Myrmidon Jack Kasey

 Ch Baylock Son O'Plonk

 multi Ch Vliedstede Gonnie
+39 327 7311585