Violetta Jack

 Ch/jCh Gang-Staff
Make My Day

(15 campeões em pedigree)

 multi Ch Bjorsatters
Peer Gynt 

 Ch Bushwack's Jack

 multi Ch Kanix
Speed Wagon

 Saltisgardens Jazz
For Joy 

 Ch Bushwack's Aussie
B. to S.

 Bushwack's Jack

 multi Ch Beaconway Scotch N'Coke 

 Ch Future of Noescha s Inspiration

 multi Ch Inverbrae John of Gaunt 

 Ch Macbraedly Dark Victory 





 Ch Hocuspocus Percival

 Ch Malung/Jr Merrylegs

 Ch Baylock Son O'Plonk

 Amelie Maxime of The Hunters Pride

 Ch Inverbrae Black Berry

 Ch Inverbrae Alexandra

 Ch Cadarra Jackahearts

 Ch MacBraedly Dame Edna








+39 327 7311585